Coedo x NEC 人生釀造 Craft Beer Box
1 x 20’s PINK: A digital native generation who grew up surrounded by SNS. Brewed for people in their twenties, this herbal ale features the citrus aroma of American hops, the acidity of hibiscus and a pale pink color. The bitterness and alcohol content are modest, and anyone can enjoy it casually. The cutting-edge sensibility may be a little sweet and sour.
1 x 30’s BLUE: From Showa to Heisei. Millennials with different values than ever before. Brewed for people in their thirties, this fruit ale features a tropical aroma of blue, sweet scented coconut and hops. You can enjoy the harmony of the pleasant acidity derived from lemon peel and the bitterness of hops. The color is an invitation to a new generation.
1 x 40’s YELLOW: The baby boomer junior generation, and the employment ice age generation, which was later described as the lost decade. Brewed for people in their 40s, this Crystal Weizen features a well-balanced combination of complex aromas of yeast-derived banana-like esters and phenols. Enjoy the light body and clean taste that can be enjoyed by removing yeast from Weizen, which is often drunk unfiltered.
1 x 50’s RED: A bubble generation full of vibrancy throughout Japan. This original ale brewed for people in their 50s has a balance of specialty malt and high alcohol content, so that you can enjoy a moderate body feeling, a clean mouth, and a mellow aftertaste at the same time.
1 x 20’s PINK:這款象徵「20代」的啤酒有著美國啤酒花特有的淡淡柑橘香氣以及扶桑花酸味,豐富果香以及輕柔淡雅的橘紅色澤,象徵了年輕世代的柔軟與純真。
1 x 30’s BLUE:大膽的藍色酒體喝起來有著檸檬皮的宜人酸味以及鮮明的啤酒花的苦味,兩者創造出了看似矛盾、實際上卻相當和諧的清爽感,而酸苦雜陳的味道如同踏入30歲後的人生,也如同甩脫舊世代價值觀的千禧世代一般,有著自己獨特的風貌。
1 x 40’s YELLOW:為打造出40代那種「經歷了生命中許多動盪」的感受,COEDO以融合了酵母與酚類複雜香氣的酒款作出呈現,乍看之下與市面上多數啤酒並無太大差異,但實際飲用後便會發現其輕盈、順口的美妙口感,就如同在經歷了風風雨雨後,以輕鬆姿態笑看人生深沉的樣態。
1 x 50’s RED:經歷了泡沫經濟年代的快樂高峰,為50代人們釀造的這款啤酒使用了特殊的麥芽,並以略高的酒精含量讓人體會到那飄飄欲仙的微醺身體感,濃厚豐富的滋味中有著香氣十足的芳醇尾韻,即便今日的社會環境已不如往昔,卻也留下了不少快樂回憶。以豔紅、飽滿的色澤象徵他們所經歷過的精彩的一生。
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
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